208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com
sea spray


Braving the elements with camera in hand is nearly always an awesome experience. While at times I must talk myself into venturing out in less than ideal conditions, I am never disappointed when I return. There is something unexplainable about the experience of creating images at times that others would rather stay safe inside. I have been out in rain and lightning storms trying to keep gear dry and make photographs at the same time. I have been battling rain and the rising ocean surf at the same time, running from an approaching wave and at other times being overtaken by a sleeper wave mid exposure. It can get exciting! That tension and excitement comes through in the photographs. It is something that until you experience it you will never understand.

The image above was made while battling wind, storm surge and rain at the same time. I broke the number one rule of the ocean just once and paid the price. I turned my back to the ocean to photograph the other way and just as I did I got hit with a wave. It was a shocker because no wave previously had come nearly as high as I was. I really thought I was safe. I did learn my lesson, though.

The turbulent wave crashing over the rock was a sight of beauty. The stability of the rock, unmoved by the powerful force of the ocean speaks volumes about life. If we don’t have that stability then the turbulence will carry us away or smash us into the rock. Much can be interpreted in the images. My goal is not to give the answers, but to open the questions and let you, the viewer answer them in ways that are meaningful to you.

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