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reflections in Washington Lake

Reflection, Washington Lake

Backpacking is a favorite summer activity of mine. I remember the first backpacking trip I ever experienced when I was just 8 years old. It was miserable. My feet hurt. My back hurt. I thought I would never make it to camp. I had a miserable night as we had a new spring break through the ground under my tent and soaked through the bottom of the tent. However, those memories faded fast as the next summer approached and we planned our next adventure. It was a tradition in our family and I actually began to enjoy the trips. It was time to get away from the stress and worries of everyday life and enjoy the creations of God. When I began backpacking we carried just food, shelter and fishing gear. Then I began photographing and in later years I carried in more camera gear than food. I had learned the art of fishing by then and relied on that for nourishment.

My first trip into the White Cloud Mountains took me into Washington Lake. The water was crystal clear… and cold! The landscape reflected off the surface as if it were a mirror. I photographed. I fished. I was successful with both. What more could I ask for? I soon found out! In the back country of central Idaho you never know what the weather may bring. In early August you would think summer like weather, but not this time! It turned winter like. Snow and sleet. It became miserable overnight. Instead of pushing on to Chamberlain Basin, we stayed put, and then, seeing that it was not going to let up , we turned back a day early. Snowed out in August, but not empty handed. I did have photographs. And I will go back for more.

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