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redfish lake

Foggy Morning, Redfish Lake

The Stanley are is one of my favorites! On one late summer morning I was treated to a heavy fog in the entire valley. As I drove toward Redfish Lake, the fog thinned out a bit so that the foreground was visible, but the trees across the lake were nearly gone. It was a beautiful sight. The fog was beginning to lift, so I didn’t have much time to photograph, but pausing for a moment first to take it all in and feel the surroundings (a necessity for me before photographing), I then proceeded to set up camera and tripod. I first made some images of the boats in the marina, then turned my attention toward the shoreline. I found this small peninsula with a large log, surrounded mostly by the morning fog, which provided the weight to balance with the trees at the left edge of the composition. The feeling of stillness, calm and peace prevailed with just enough detail to move the eye throughout the image to keep it interesting and hold attention. I love the trees just showing through the fog enough to create a bit of mystery. It was a great morning to be out enjoying God’s great creations.

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