208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com

Rocky Shoreline, Seaside, Oregon

Have you ever had one of those days that got off to a rocky start and went downhill from there? I know I have. We all do. How we handle those days can make all the difference.

I asked my students the other day to write about what motivates them to do the things that need to be done but they don’t like doing. We all have things that are motivators. Recognizing what they are is the first step in being able to really utilize them for our benefit. I know for me, if something just isn’t going right, if I read personal testimonial statements from my clients. To see how happy they are with their investment always seems to pick me up and get me going again.

I think that it is all about attitude, our attitude, that can help get us through the tough times. As Dewitt Jones says, “Celebrate what’s right with the world instead of wallowing in what’s wrong.” By looking on the bright side, we can overcome most anything and end up better off because of it. This relates to both life and photography. Many times I have been out photographing and I just wasn’t seeing anything. I made excuses, “The light’s not right, The scene is boring, If there was only a tree right there, etc.” When I find myself in that situation, if I catch myself making excuses, then I try to sit down, take a deep breath and change my attitude. When I do, I often go back out and find something wonderful to photograph.

I remember a trip to Oregon just over a year ago. We arrived on the coast and were met with fog. Dense fog. the light was flat. Everything was gray. It wasn’t what I was expecting. I was disappointed. After the first day, I realized, “I am going to be here for a week. Don’t waste it. Find the beauty in the fog!” So I did. We had a wonderful time and I came home with some amazing images. Not what I had expected to shoot, but great images nonetheless.

Success is all in your attitude!

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