208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com

Wailua Falls, Kauai

The weather in Kauai is incredible! I was there in January with Christeena. We woke up one morning to rain and cool temperatures, so we drove 10 miles and were in sunshine and 80 degrees. The day we went to Wailua Falls was one of those rainy/sunny days. It was sunny when we left the hotel, then began raining as we drove up to the falls, stopped for a few minutes then the rain came down fairly hard, then the sun broke through for a while… any way, you get the picture. We decided to go down to the bottom of the falls, which was an adventure. It is very steep and due to the wet weather, quite slippery. I thank whoever is responsible for the ropes, which made the hike fairly safe.

Once at the bottom, the fun began. Shooting between cloudbursts and trying to get balanced light between the sky above and the falls and the river at the bottom was a challenge. “Hurry up and wait” is my motto. I will often set up and then wait for the light. Once everything falls into place, then I shoot.

The spray was heavy at the bottom of the waterfall, so I had to keep cleaning the lens. I set up on some rocks in the middle of the river in order to get the blue reflection of the sky in the water, as well as to capture some ripples to add some interesting movement to the photograph. After slipping on the rocks and nearly going in the river a couple of times, I was able to capture this image that I am quite pleased with.

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