208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com

Shoreline, Seaside, Oregon

The first couple of days here on the Oregon coast we did not see the sun. It was cloudy and rainy, but that has not stopped me from making photographs. It has been great to get away with Christeena and recharge our batteries. We both love photographing, so this has been a perfect vacation so far.

This image is one that will be a part of a series of images that I have been working on for quite some time now dealing with water in motion. It is evolving into a set of work that has a bit of an abstractness to it. That abstractness generates a feeling of mystery or wonder. It adds a dimension to the work that straight photography sometimes lacks. All of the motion in these images are created in camera, none of it is photoshopped in, as some tend to believe. I have been working on getting more feeling into all of my work, and this set of images has helped me to do that.

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