208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com


I love black and white photographs. I grew up as a photographer shooting almost exclusively black and white film. I loved the darkroom. the smell of the developers and fixer. I think that developing and printing my own work for years has made me a better photographer. I learned to see how the camera sees. I learned to make correct exposures. If I did make a mistake my darkroom work was much more difficult. I also had to make decisions on paper types, warm or cold toned, contrasty or flat, and many others. Experimentation cost money. In a nutshell, I learned to pre-visualize the end result at the time of exposure. With the advent of digital photography, I find this is becoming a lost art. It is too easy to try everything before the final print is made.

Even though I am now shooting mostly digital, I still practice pre-visualization. At the time of exposure I already know what the finished image will look like. I can then make the correct exposure to maximize quality and minimize post-production work. This image, Fallen, is an example of this process. Color was never an option. The warm toned image also portrays the feeling of life better here than a cool toned image would. This is what I saw when I shot. A warm, inviting image with good tonal separation between the moss covered trees and the heavy undergrowth. A calming feeling of peace. When looking at this image I can almost smell the fresh, moist air. It’s almost as if I were there.

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