208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com
Yachats Storm

Storm Watchers

Having returned from a Spring Break trip to Moab, Utah, I have settled back in to the routine, sort of. My students are preparing for our big state photography competition that is later this week, my seniors are getting ready for their final show, big projects in my intermediate classes are coming due, personal project deadlines are fast approaching, Spring projects around the house need completed and I am trying to keep my head on straight and not show my stress through it all! This time of year always feels like being on the stormy seas. Then it all will pass and I will begin moving forward again, just in time to have the craziness start all over again. Life seems to get that way frequently for me. Maybe it is just to make me stretch a little. It definitely gets me out of my comfort zone, but always, at least in the past, has been for my good.

I am planning a trip in early May to photograph on the Oregon Coast. The stresses of April will have past and I will be able to find some time for relaxation and regrouping at one of my favorite places on this planet. Even in foul weather on the coast, great photographs await those brave enough to battle the elements. This image attests to that. Enduring the storm and waves, waiting for the perfect clouds, light and waves was a bit miserable, but upon capturing this image, it all became worth it! I have learned that if great effort is made, good things will nearly always be the result. This is not just in photography, but in life itself as well.

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