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Little Redfish Lake

In landscape photography, creating a sense of depth in an image is important. While the image is rendered on a two dimensional piece of paper, it is the illusion of three dimensionality that draws a viewer in. It can help you to feel as though you are there, standing in the midst of the image. One way to help create this sense of place is to effectively use foreground, middleground and background within the frame. A dominant foreground can be created by using a wide angle lens. Once captivated by a strong foreground, middleground and background are needed to create movement and interest in the photograph. This compositional technique can be seen in the image above of Little Redfish Lake. The rocks in the foreground are luring you into the image, and then the eye moves throughout the scene to the trees on the left and the mountains peeking through the clouds further back. then back to the rocks. Creating this type of visual movement is critical to the success of a photograph.

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