208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com


On an overcast afternoon last month I was strolling the 804 trail with my camera and photographing the ocean waves and the shoreline. It was a wonderful experience, as the tide was coming in and the waves raging from the unsettled weather. After some time, the sun decided to show itself and I decided that I was through photographing, as the high sun was way too harsh for my liking. On the way back to the hotel, I decided to step into the woods and look around. I found several interesting mushrooms growing, so I decided to photograph them.

While the light on the ocean at noon is not good, when getting back in the shade of the trees the light became soft and rich. It reflected off of the mushroom so soft and nice, it almost looked like it was glowing. I felt like I was on a treasure hunt, searching for mushrooms! I learned that they come in lots of varieties, some very interesting. It was also reinforced in my mind that the subject of a photograph can be just about anything. If the light is right, anything can look good. I keep telling my students that if they can find the light, then the subject will appear, they just have to be observant. If I could just get them to believe in themselves and in this philosophy they would start making interesting photographs.

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