208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com
Seaside Sunset

Stormy Sunset, Seaside Oregon

Simplicity in an image brings power. This is a hard concept for beginning photographers to grasp. In our complex lives it is hard to cut out the clutter in our minds and recognize the simple things that are so beautiful. This goes not only for image making, but for our lives as well. Because multitasking is normal, our minds have a difficult time slowing down, if even for a moment. While difficult to do, it has become a necessity for me. I take time to ponder and meditate, to not only look but truly see, not just touch but feel my environment. As I take time to absorb my surroundings I am better able to reduce a scene, visually, to its foundation which is where its beauty lies. Only then am I able to capture it simply and emotionally.

My process when photographing is not fast. It is slow and thoughtful. Often I will set up my tripod and camera and then look and think and ponder. “What drew me into the scene?” “Why did I set up my camera here?” These and numerous other questions go through my mind as I determine what it is that the image is to be about. Then I check the viewfinder and check it again, set exposure settings and check the viewfinder again. Eventually I press the shutter. The entire process is an experience. The whole experience becomes the photograph, an image that hopefully can be felt by the viewer, but if not, it is experienced by me and I am satisfied.

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