208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com


Last week I discussed photographing ordinary subjects. I love what Edward Weston had to say about the subject. “Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.” He also said, “I see no reason for recording the obvious.” The obvious is a snapshot, the unusual, a photograph. Recognizing the difference is the beginning of an incredible journey!

So often the unusual is right in our own backyard. It is at our fingertips and we are not observant enough to recognize it. We want to go somewhere exotic, thinking that we will find something more exciting there, when, if we would really explore where we are now we would find exciting images all around just waiting for us. The more we learn about our own surroundings and learn to become aware and observant, the more success we will find in our photography. It isn’t about where we go or with what piece of equipment we use, it is about how and what we see. Because I have learned to see I believe that my life is richer. I see things that are beautiful and inspiring when others complain about where we are. I only hope that sharing my vision will help another to see as I see, a world full of beauty, everywhere, all the time. It is there, we must just open our vision to let it in.

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