208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com
Mt. Harrison

Sunrise from Mt. Harrison

This past weekend was quite refreshing. Friday evening I made my way south a couple of hours to spend a day with some friends. We had a wonderful evening of dinner and relaxation. Visiting, looking at photographs and catching up on the past couple of months. I love “talking shop” with other photographers. It is good for the creative juices within.

Saturday morning, long before sunrise we arose and headed out to photograph Gods creations. We drove to the top of Mt. Harrison and waited for the first light. It was beautiful. I love sunrise. The air was crisp and cool, very invigorating. We shot through the sunrise then headed back down the mountain, stopping at several places along the way to make more images.

Arriving back at the house, we looked at what we had done. It always amazes me that even though we were at the same location and at the same time, we each came up with completely different images. Each of us with our own personal vision, not better or worse, just different. How could I not see what others were seeing? How could they not see what I saw? We are each unique in our own way, and that is what makes life interesting. In my classes, I try to encourage the development of this personal vision in my students. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes learning about oneself. We must first figure out who we are, then our vision will begin to develop. It is a wonderful thing. As I write about my vision and about my photographs, I find my vision developing even more. My images get better as I verbalize my vision. I have become more focused in my work. The meaning of the images have become much clearer to me. My work has become uniquely mine.

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