208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com

Bread Loaf Rock, City of Rocks

We have some great opportunities for landscape photography in Idaho. City of Rocks is just one of many locations with unique landscape characteristics that make for an exciting morning of photography. This area is filled with rock climbers, as the face of the rocks make for some challenging climbing routes. I prefer photographing without much human element, so fortunately for me, most of the climbers were still eating breakfast while I was out in the field making images.

This image of Bread Loaves was taken just as I was finishing up for the day, and the rock climbers were just starting to find their routes up the face of the rocks. Early mornings, just as the sun rises is a great time for photography, but about an hour past sunrise the light becomes harsh and the scenes have less appeal to me. The soft, moody light diminishes quickly as the sun rises in the sky, and although we can still look and see the beauty, capturing it in camera becomes a greater challenge. The sky, here, was totally clear and cloud free, which made for a simple background for the monolith protruding from the ground. Clouds, I think would have been a distraction.

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