208.880.5382 info@moffettphoto.com


I love shooting photographs of the local areas. I feel that I get to know them, yet never tire of them. It seems that I see something different every time I return to a familiar place, or maybe I just see the same things differently. The light is always changing, so the same things can look totally different from day to day. I challenge you to go back to a favorite location many times over the course of a year and see how many different images you can create.

Lake Lowell is my “fallback” location. If I am wondering where to go, I go to the lake. I originally planned to do a 15 print portfolio from the lake, however by the time I had 15, I felt like I was just starting, so I kept going back. This is an image just shot this week. I was at one of my favorite evening locations, but this time in the morning. There was a completely different look in the morning than at sunset. Just prior to sunrise there was a coolness to the light. Everything was blue except for the western horizon which had a touch of red. Not a cloud in the sky and the breeze was blowing creating some motion in the trees and the grasses. It was cool for this time of year, and the bluish color enhanced the coolness in the air. The lone tree, surrounded by water in the cool, crisp morning air creates a cold, lonely feeling, but reaching out, not far away is the warmth of the rising sun.

To me, photography is all about feelings. If an image causes you to feel something it is a success.

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