by tmoffett | Nov 15, 2010 | Color, Photographic Philosophy
Reflections of Sunrise, Lake Lowell
Arising early to revel in the beauty at sunrise is a wonderful experience. To be able to capture that experience in a photograph is even more incredible. I love returning to my feelings often, and my photographs help me do that.
Lake Lowell has become a favorite place for me to spend the mornings. I have been photographing at the lake now for several years just when I think that there is nothing else to photograph I find something. The light changes. My attitude changes. The water level changes. The only thing constant is change, and that is what makes it possible to continue this project indefinitely. I will continue to photograph the lake probably for years to come. I will continue to enjoy my mornings of walking, pondering and photographing. I will continue to show new photographs of an old subject. It creates an excitement in me. I will continue until I lose that excitement.
by tmoffett | Nov 12, 2010 | Color, Landscape, Ramblings
Braving the elements with camera in hand is nearly always an awesome experience. While at times I must talk myself into venturing out in less than ideal conditions, I am never disappointed when I return. There is something unexplainable about the experience of creating images at times that others would rather stay safe inside. I have been out in rain and lightning storms trying to keep gear dry and make photographs at the same time. I have been battling rain and the rising ocean surf at the same time, running from an approaching wave and at other times being overtaken by a sleeper wave mid exposure. It can get exciting! That tension and excitement comes through in the photographs. It is something that until you experience it you will never understand.
The image above was made while battling wind, storm surge and rain at the same time. I broke the number one rule of the ocean just once and paid the price. I turned my back to the ocean to photograph the other way and just as I did I got hit with a wave. It was a shocker because no wave previously had come nearly as high as I was. I really thought I was safe. I did learn my lesson, though.
The turbulent wave crashing over the rock was a sight of beauty. The stability of the rock, unmoved by the powerful force of the ocean speaks volumes about life. If we don’t have that stability then the turbulence will carry us away or smash us into the rock. Much can be interpreted in the images. My goal is not to give the answers, but to open the questions and let you, the viewer answer them in ways that are meaningful to you.
by tmoffett | Nov 11, 2010 | Color, Landscape, Ramblings
Reflection, Washington Lake
Backpacking is a favorite summer activity of mine. I remember the first backpacking trip I ever experienced when I was just 8 years old. It was miserable. My feet hurt. My back hurt. I thought I would never make it to camp. I had a miserable night as we had a new spring break through the ground under my tent and soaked through the bottom of the tent. However, those memories faded fast as the next summer approached and we planned our next adventure. It was a tradition in our family and I actually began to enjoy the trips. It was time to get away from the stress and worries of everyday life and enjoy the creations of God. When I began backpacking we carried just food, shelter and fishing gear. Then I began photographing and in later years I carried in more camera gear than food. I had learned the art of fishing by then and relied on that for nourishment.
My first trip into the White Cloud Mountains took me into Washington Lake. The water was crystal clear… and cold! The landscape reflected off the surface as if it were a mirror. I photographed. I fished. I was successful with both. What more could I ask for? I soon found out! In the back country of central Idaho you never know what the weather may bring. In early August you would think summer like weather, but not this time! It turned winter like. Snow and sleet. It became miserable overnight. Instead of pushing on to Chamberlain Basin, we stayed put, and then, seeing that it was not going to let up , we turned back a day early. Snowed out in August, but not empty handed. I did have photographs. And I will go back for more.
by tmoffett | Nov 10, 2010 | Color, Landscape, Ramblings
Waterfall, Sweet Creek
Water. I love photographing water. I don’t know what it is, but I am really drawn to it. It really doesn’t matter if it is flowing or still, it is very captivating to me. I happened upon this waterfall one morning while hiking up Sweet Creek as we were on our way to Yachats, Oregon. It was a cool morning in October and the water was flowing just perfectly. I had visited this area earlier in the year and the flows were extreme, way too fast for the feel I like in my images, but this time it was perfect. The lighting was nice as well. However, just a few minutes after photographing these falls, the sun crested the mountain and the water was in the blazing sunlight and the mood was gone. The contrast was so great that it was impossible to photograph any longer. I really feel lucky to have arrived when I did and have the opportunity to create a few good images before losing the light.
This concept of light quality is everything in photography. Photo means light and graphy means to draw or write. We photographers draw with light. If we have a quality light source then we can create quality photographs. Without quality light, we create less than quality images. So many of my young students have a hard time grasping hold of this concept. When they do finally get it, though, everything seems to click. When that happens, I realize just how great it is to be a teacher. I have the best jobs in the world. Photographing and sharing. Life is good.
by tmoffett | Nov 9, 2010 | Color, Photo tips, Photographic Philosophy
Sand and Stone
Overcast skies create a wonderful quality of light for photographing details. This image was shot between rainstorms on a recent trip to the Oregon Coast. The shadows are full of detail and the colors are rendered rich and vibrant.
Many times getting out in conditions that would seem less than ideal end up being the best days for photographing. I have learned that the best time to create images is the present. It matters not what the weather is, if I have an open mind and feel my environment, I will be successful. The key is feeling. Feeling the light. Feeling the moment. Feeling your surroundings. Internalizing those feeling and then capturing them visually is the process that makes successful images. Without the feeling, I am only able to find snapshots.
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